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HIPAA & IT Support

Google services have the highest adoption rate, but we are still here to help!

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Computer, Hardware
& Devices

We are a Lenovo certified partner and value added reseller for Netgear, Microsoft Cloud Solutions & Google Cloud Solutions. Medical practices are slightly different when it comes to building and running a computer infrastructure and we understand it.

We help you build cost effective solutions which does not compromise on staff productivity and provides a secure environment without the Enterprise grade investment.

Our partnership with Lenovo and access to Enterprise prices gives you an opportunity to save you real $$$ when making a purchase. Reach out to us today and get a quote!

Helpdesk & IT Support Services

When it comes to providing ongoing support to medical practices for computer, hardware, devices or network problems, we follow a non traditional approach.

The tools we use are best in class that provide automated task execution on things like updates, patches, antivirus, malware, scheduled maintenance tasks like disk check, performance optimization etc. This provides a way to proactively monitor devices for any issues prior to them failing.

We top that by providing remote helpdesk management or if needed on-site support to help you get up and running as quickly as possible. No retainer for Helpdesk – pay only what you use.

Image of a male tech support agent
Image of a yellow lock and a yellow key on a blue background and above a blue keyboard

Security & Compliance

Medical practices dealing in protected health information (PHI) are subject to higher scrutiny on their security infrastructure and policies. While it needs to be reasonable, there is very little reason for investment in dedicated firewalls or intrusion detection systems or a 30 computer clinic running a dedicated domain server – which nobody knows what it does.

Our approach to security and compliance focuses on reasonable investments. There is no fool proof solution to eliminating risk of someone hacking in but a threat assessment needs to be realistic. Example – Do you need a firewall when your practice uses a cloud based EMR solution?

More likely – invest in a good system to manage different kind of devices that your staff uses. Build system for tighter user access control. 

We provide modern, cost-effective and agile solutions relevant to you.

Take 50% off services this holiday season!

Take an additional 50% off on any services you may need on top of the incredible discounts available on Desktops, Laptops, and devices this holiday season.