5 Reasons Your Dentist Website Is Failing to Convert Patients

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It’s the worst feeling in the world.

You build your dream dentist website. You keyword-optimize your services pages. You craft some informative and entertaining blog posts. Then you sit back and wait for the clients to come rolling in.

You wait.

And wait.

[Cricket noises]


What gives?

Well, don’t worry. That’s what we’re here to find out.

5 Reasons Your Dentist Website Is Failing to Convert Patients

5 Reasons Your Dentist Website Is Failing to Convert Patients

There are many different reasons why a dentist website might not convert effectively.

Your site may look too generic. It may be poorly organized, burying crucial details like client testimonials or contact info in hard-to-find places. Your appointment scheduling methods may be unintuitive.

Do any of these apply to your dentist website? Read on to find out.

Modern metallic dentist tools and burnishers on a dentist chair

1. Too Many Stock Photos

Do you use stock photos? Of course, everyone does! And there’s nothing wrong with that. (After all, the images in this post are all stock photos.)

Stock photos are a quick and easy way to add basic visual elements to a webpage. The problem some dentist websites run into is relying too heavily on stock photos.

Why is this a problem? Because stock photos look bland and generic. That’s the whole point. They’re meant to be used in a wide variety of different contexts, not to advertise a specific business or service.

Consumers these days see stock photos everywhere. They recognize them when they see them.

Using too many stock photos basically tells consumers “I don’t want you to know what my dental practice looks like.”

Instead, use real photos. Include nice, charming pictures of yourself, your staff, your office, etc. Establish a sense of trust and community with your prospective clients

If you have some extra cash, hire a professional photographer. But even some decent pictures shot on your phone are better than overloading visitors with stock photos.

Don’t be shy! Show people who you are! Use real photos.

5 Great Reasons to Integrate Teledentistry Into Your Dental Practice

2. Phone Number Is Hard to Find

This is a surprisingly common mistake among dentist websites and small business websites more generally.

Your phone number must be clearly visible on every page of your site. This is an essential feature of all good dental website design.

Practice Tech Solutions recommends adding a ‘contact banner’ on every page, just below your name and logo. It should include office address, phone number, and customer service email.

Better yet, add a link to your phone number so visitors can make a call straight from the website with one click!

Taking these simple steps will make a substantial difference in your lead generation. Remember, you always want to make it easy for prospective patients to reach you.

Dentist looking at teeth x-ray on the computer in a dentist office.

3. Burying Patient Reviews

In digital marketing, positive patient reviews are like gold nuggets. They don’t pop up very often, but you treasure each and every one you find.

Reviews are an essential tool for establishing trust between you and your prospective patients. No dentist website should be without them.

However, sometimes dentists will bury their reviews in hard-to-find places like a separate “Testimonials” page or something. While you certainly can have a Testimonials page, that should not be the only place your positive reviews appear.

No, put your positive patient reviews front and center! Display them on the home page of your dentist website. A rotating display of 3–4 reviews that switch out every 10 seconds or so is a solid choice.

Trust us, patient reviews are among your most valuable assets. Don’t let visitors overlook them.

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