10 Steps to Make Your Medical Website Design Google Friendly

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Google is the gateway to the internet. There’s no sense in denying it.

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody’s there, does it make a sound? Likewise, if a website hits the internet but can’t be found via Google, does it really exist?

Simply put, Google searchability can make or break your medical practice.

You will, of course, draw in paid traffic from online ads and marketing campaigns. But to acquire organic traffic—people who find your site naturally, with no advertising required—you need to make your medical website design Google friendly.

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10 Steps to Make Your Medical Practice Website Google Friendly

In this article we’ll cover 5 steps to make your medical practice website Google friendly. Most of these are basic tips for search engine optimization or SEO. However, we will also address two specific issues:

  • How to build and design your medical practice website to optimize SEO.
  • How to measure and improve your website with cutting-edge analytics tools.

Our goal is to help healthcare providers boost their Google rankings and find the clients who need them most.

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1. Write Quality Content

You know this one already. The first step of SEO—whether on Google or any other search engine—is to generate relevant, quality content.

You’d think this first step would go without saying. But, even today, too many people try to trick Google by stuffing their web pages full of irrelevant keywords. Google has many sophisticated methods for detecting and filtering deceptive content such as this.

Even if you get past Google’s scanners, SEO-optimized yet poorly written content will do more harm than good. If users click on your page and find the content unsatisfactory, they will leave and never return.

This is called a bounce. A high bounce rate can sink your Google search rankings very quickly.

Don’t let this happen to you. Write quality content and earn your high Google rankings the old-fashioned way.

Typing on keyword

2. Do Your Keyword Research

Choosing the right keywords is a quick, easy, and effective way to boost your Google rankings.

First, use an online keyword tool to find the best possible keywords for your topic.

Suppose you want to write a blog post on Invisalign for your dental website. A quick keyword analysis shows that “Invisalign cost” brings in a high search volume. Other relevant keywords include “Invisalign near me” and “Invisalign retainer.”

If your practice is located in Miami, you might focus on “Invisalign Miami” or “Invisalign South Florida” to boost your local traffic.

Next, use an SEO content template. This will give you a rough idea as to what other keywords to prioritize. A template from SEMrush will even list semantically related words to help enrich your content.

Distinguish between two types of keywords:

  • Target keyword: the central keyword that you prioritize above all others.
  • Supplementary keywords: these are related to, but less important than, your target keyword.

Ideally, your target keyword will appear at least once in your:

  • Title
  • Meta-description
  • Section headers
  • First paragraph

Your supplemental keywords should appear at least once each in your headers and once each in your body text.

As in all things, balance is key. Use but don’t overuse keywords. They must mesh naturally with your content, not be tacked on afterwards.

The goal is to pick optimal keywords and write quality content based on those keywords.

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3. Fine-Tune Your Pages

By “fine-tune” we mean all the ways beyond content and keywords that you can optimize your medical website design.

Page titles should be 55 characters (including spaces). This is because the first 55 characters of a title are displayed on a Google search results page (SERP). Any more will be replaced with ellipses.

Meta-descriptions should be