9 Strategies to Boost Your Medical Practice Marketing in 2023

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Most doctors are trained to provide quality patient care. On the other hand, running a practice is a whole different arena. It becomes necessary to step back to look at your practice from a business perspective. Like any business, growth is critical for long-term success.

Understandably, taking the steps to grow your practice in 2023 can be overwhelming. Business and marketing trends are always shifting. Furthermore, every practice is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all strategy to grow. 

In this guide, we’ll lay out all the basics you need to learn how to grow, thrive, and survive as a medical practice in 2023.

Blood pressure gauge and stethoscope

The First Step to Growing Your Medical Practice

Before you embark on any strategy to grow your medical practice, you need to see where your practice is at now. 

Assessing the current health of your practice is important for creating a unique plan. Figure out what your practice is struggling with the most. Notice what has been effective.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • Where do you see the most time wasted? 
  • What is the state of your staff? 
  • Is your software (EHR, EMR, etc) working for or against you? 
  • What are your patients saying about you?

Knowing the strengths and shortcomings of your practice gives you opportunities for where you can grow. You are able to work on the weaknesses while ensuring that you maintain and nurture the strong points. 

Learn Who Your Patients Are

Knowing your patients translates into high standard medical care. While that is important, it also allows you to establish a better way of attracting new patients and retaining previous patients. 

Why is identifying your target patient or audience important? As a medical practice in today’s age, the market is full of competitors. However, each practice brings something unique to the table, which someone out there may be looking for. 

Knowing who your practice is best aimed at can help you reach the people who are most likely to become patients. 

How do you establish your target patient? Here are some ways to get started.

  • Ask yourself: What kind of patient you want to treat? What conditions are you most interested in or qualified in treating?
  • Analyze what types of patients you have had in the past 
  • Set specific, detailed demographics for each target patient segment 
  • Based on that information, figure out your target patient’s main values and concerns

The conclusions you come up with from profiling your target patients help you customize your marketing.